100. together

well, this is a fine how-do-you-do
as the black & white TV flickers in the corner
and I lie here, waiting to die.
I can’t do anything else really –
the telephone is out of reach
(and, besides, what could they do ?)
– and I’m thinking…. how long have I got
before the blood starts to congeal
before the rigor starts to set in
or some other terminal event seals my fate.
At least she went with a smile on her face,
a heart attack or a seizure, at the moment of climax,
so I can’t help but feel some sort of comfort there,
but that bastard Leroy legging it –
when he could see that something wasn’t right.
Still, what else was he gonna do?

I turn over & it’s The Twilight Zone
– appropriate, really –
it was one of her favourites, and one of mine.
Its been twenty minutes now –
can’t be much longer, I think,
and she does look peaceful, lying there.
Its funny really, that when she has sex, (had sex),
– that I quite enjoyed it as well
and we would share a cigarette afterwards
in the afterglow.
So I light up one last time and
I’ll smoke this one for both of us,
conjoined in death as in life.
